I have been abroad before but as a tourist and not for such a long time. Yes I am little nervous. But more excited. I love Ireland. I love wandering.
Bottom line I know this is the right thing to do for me now. I have no idea what it will actually be like to live in Ireland as an American. But I have not felt so good about an opportunity in a long time. And I have this theory that things don't really fall into place. If something pretty crazy just works out there is a reason behind it.
I am going to miss my family-- immediate and otherwise. I will miss a couple friends. And I am sure I will miss much more when I get there.
But here are a couple notes:
1. I am not stupid. Yes I am twenty something, fresh out of school and moving to a foreign country. I have done stupid things in my life, but please, I am mature enough to consider the pros and cons of a major life choice and not just jump in head first. However I am a just immature enough that if you bring up possible down falls in my plan, that yes I have thought of, in a "I'm an older-person listen to me" voice I will zone out and disregard your well-meant but annoying lecture.
But I am so sick of the conversation that goes like this
Me: "I'm moving to Ireland."
Other member of conversation in concerned boarder-line panic voice: "Have you seen Taken?"
3. Just because I am willingly going out of the USA does not mean I am signing my own death warrant.
I've lived in Orlando, Florida and all sorts of murders and crimes happened while is was there. But when I told people I was planning on moving there no one batted an eye. I am not saying I regret Florida or ever felt very threatened there. My point is that the USA does not have a corner on the market for safety and everywhere else is HERE THERE BE MONSTERS.
Okay done with the rant. You will think that everyone I encounter is not supportive. My friends and family were more supportive than I could have imagined and gave me help and tips I am really grateful for.
Yep, here's hoping tomorrow is something to remember the USA by.