I am in possession of an English degree. I minored in theatre. I probably would have done it the other way around but the school I attended only had a theatre education major. Which is great if you wanted to go into education.
But I didn't want that path per-say.
You are probably asking (well if you have bothered to read to this point) what this abstract personal musing has to do with Ireland.
Okay I'm currently in Ireland because 1. It's awesome!!!! 2. I am a post-grad with an English major and a theatre minor. Au Pairing seemed like a good idea until I decide what I really want to do when I grow up. 3. I like kids, usually better than adults. So this seemed like a good idea.
Anyway. As someone with my background in my current situation...1. I analyze the plot of every children's book/ children's show I read/ watch. That's a lot. 2. I get really into character when I read out loud. 3. I never learned proper breath support. My voice is sore at the end of story time. Granted story time varies... Yesterday it may or may not have been about six hours.
So. Here is my new favorite children's book. http://www.amazon.com/Again-Emily-Gravett/dp/0230745369/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1339191017&sr=8-3
It's about a baby dragon who wants his favorite book read over and over again before bed-time. Mommy dragon is tired!!!!
Guys this is conflict.
The plot is structured as follows: Cedric begs Mommy to read. She does. The next page is a bit of his story. When she finishes Cedric holds up the book and says "Again?" Then Mommy dragon reads the story again. But she changes it every time mommy reads it again!
Guys this is master story telling. A conflict that can be related to by both the children and whoever is reading/buying the story. --This is the girl who read We're Going on a Lion Hunt today just to mix things up. Yeah, ironically they found a bear at the end. Uncanny.
So, again is a great example of story telling. Good characters, good conflict, charming pictures, rhyme-meter and just enough dramatic irony at the end to keep English geeks happy.
Today when I was reading this the drama side kicked in. I had gotten to the part where the protagonist was frustrated, probably right at #3 complication right before climax!! And the little boy I care for was like "Ma-E-son don't read so loud, shhh." I've finally gone so far that someone told me to pull back. Yes, if only Hyrum Conrad could see me now. ;)
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