Tuesday, September 11, 2012


So here is the thing about living abroad. You actually realize a lot about your country.

This weekend I went to some friend's house for Sunday dinner. They had been on a road trip to the states and we ended up talking about all the places they'd been. Then we ended up talking about America in general.

It was really interesting to see my country through their eyes. Why? Because they saw the country I loved. They saw America as a country that has made some serious mistakes, but that is full of promise and beauty.

Then we talked politics but not POLITICS . At one point I considered going into politics. Because I love the idea of thinking about ideals and making lives better all the time. But I feel like if my childhood ideal of politics ever existed it has long since been extinguished by the need to win every time. The idea that everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot.

Anyway it was great to remember and talk about the things I love about America even though I don't currently live there.

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