Thursday, November 22, 2012


Yes I am away from home this thanksgiving.

No this doesn't bother me.

Anyway today my host mom was like "Are you homesick today?"

Me: "No."

Host mom: "Not even a little bit?"

Me: "Not really. No."

Traditionally Americans play the grateful game. You sit around the table and take turns saying what you are grateful for. You know, before you wake up at an unholy hour the next day to bludgeon other people for new things.

My family never really did this because we take eating very seriously. We were much too busy eating and sleeping off what we'd eaten and eating more and possibly watching a geeky movie to bother with sentimental traditions.

But here we go. Things I'm grateful for in no particular order.

1. One of the few traditions we did have at thanksgiving was watching an old, recorded, episode of Alton Brown's "Good Eats". The show's host with his wire rimmed glassed and cynicism could have been my dad's twin. So that was fun to watch him make the perfect turkey and be-little all his fellow cast members.

2. BBC nothing like good drama!!

3. The film class I have been taking and the very helpful tutors and coaches there.

4. Being in Ireland. 

5. Hot showers.

6. Bed.

7. That I finally graduated this year!

8. Swedish Fish. I haven't had them in a long time.

9. Scarves. They are possibly my favorite clothing article.

10. Cornelia Funke books.

11. Harry Potter.

12. Shakespeare.

Yeah that's really all the energy I have. My computer lost everything I did yesterday for NaNoWriMo so now I'm behind again.

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