Lived in:
Orlando-- I was still there for a couple days at the beginning of 2012
Idaho-- Lived there until April.
Pennsylvania-- Lived here about a week before moving to drum-roll please.
Galway Ireland.-- Lived here since June 2nd.
Ireland (Republic of)
Galway-- Well, I live here but it is great and a major tourist attraction so there.
Cliffs of Moher
Poulnabrone Dolmen-- older than the pyramids.
Kylemore Abbey
Cork --practically lived here, traveling every week for a class.
Limerick-- There was a castle
Dublin-- I've been before but it's only a few hours by bus and a great city.
Belfast-- how could I be so ignorant of current events????
Also a YSA conference I didn't hate, lots of new friends and Latin dancing. Latin dancing isn't what I think of when I think of Northern Ireland (Well, it wasn't until this activity) but it was really fun.
Edinburgh-- One of my favorite cities I have ever been too. The whole time I felt like I was in Hogsmede because it is such a historic city. I had breakfast twice at the Elephant House, a.k.a. the birthplace of Harry Potter.
Pretty sure I've left stuff out. But oh well.
Completed Disney College Program Internship
Tech. Phedra out of the goodness of my heart with two nights to learn my part.
Graduated College with Degree in English and minor in theatre
Had play accepted into BYU-I Research and Creative Works Conference
Said play won best dramatic work in advanced creative writing class. I won a Gothic candle stick as a prize. Only slightly marred by the fact that I was the only student to attempt to write a script.
Got a job abroad
Moved abroad
Took a film acting class
Wrote 2 novel manuscripts
Discovered I like photography
Called as Youth Sunday School Teacher
Started wearing small, stud earrings because it is more difficult for children to yank them out of your ear lobes
Started reading for fun again
My brother got married. I wasn't there and it isn't by any means my accomplishment, but it would be wrong not to mention it.
Started sketching again
Now I have for sure left stuff out here.
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