It was my first birthday not-in-th-United Sates this year. That was cool.
Woke up to the sound of toodlers announcing to the world they were ready for the day to begin. But as it was my day off I got to lie in bed and listen to this rather than get up and quickly get dressed. When I did decide to get up and get dressed I actually put effort into the way I looked. Make up. Did my own hair. Actually wore a flattering outfit. A lot of girls like to advertize what they feel is their personal style and come up with cutting edge names for said choices. Like "sleek and sexy" or "atheltic with a flirty twist". I feel the only phrase that acuretly describes my style is "cleans up nice." Seriously I am so attractive when I actually put time into my appearence.
Then when I got breakfast my "Family" gave me fifty euros on top of the day off. Pretty good right?!
So I went to town and ate mexican food. Well, Irish mexican. But still, one of my favorite things.
Then I went shopping. I found a professional jacket I wanted. Problem. It was 40 euros. Now with my birthday money it was perfect.
But I have a hard time parting with that much money at once.
Even though I need more professional clothes.
So I spent the next few hours window shopping elsewhere and deciding if I still wanted that jacket. Which I did. So I finally bought it. And I don't regret it. I just have a hard time paying a lot for clothes. Even though I love them. Even when I realize it's not an unreasonable price. I just still want to cling to money with my life strength.
Then I got my eye-brows threaded at The Body Shop. Ouch. And they wouldn't let me use my rewards card towards it. Meanies. But whatever.
Then I walked around a bit more and bought Slam, a book by one of my favorite authors Nick Hornby.
Then it was about time to head home. I went back. My family made me chili for dinner and an amazing chocolate cake with butter cream icing. Very nice. So nice I even let the babies sing to me. Something that has been against my policy since I was six. Then I got to skype with my mom for hours. Then I watched a favorite tv show. Which, yes, I do have memorized.
All in all a really good birthday. I mean I accomplished a lot since the last one and most of it has been stuff I wanted to do, graduate from college, get employed as an Au-Pair, get employed as a part time travel writer, move to Ireland are some of the high-lights.
There you go, my life to this point.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
My mom requested a wish list. Since this is also my way of journal writing I am posting it here. Feel free to read or skip.
1. Money. I like money. But don't get my money because with the exchange rate and stuff it would be complicated . But I can't just not include it on my wishlist. Maybe the universe is listening.
2. Hot British boyfriend. Again, maybe the universe is listening.
3. To speak French or Russian. This is becoming a bucket list.
4. aren't they cute!!!!
5. Pigmy Goats. I like goats, these ones are about the size of a bunny. But, again wouldn't really fit into my life right now.
Okay now to the real stuff. (Ignore that Universe, it's all real)
6. Something tells me this necklace and I would have adventures together. But basically I like jewelry.
7. Barnes and Nobel gift card. I think my nook is getting tired of my uploading free classics. I'm certainly getting tired of reading them. Megan would say I don't deserve my major.
Spooks poster
Not my favorite graphic (or my least for that matter) but the only one I can find.
"We'll just smile, and pretend it isn't."
You can get both from
I know there is a lot of Spooks stuff. But in my defense I have bought most the other stuff I want for myself. "I can't help it if I know what I like. And I know that I like [Spooks]".
Everyone gets headaches.
Some people get extreme ones know as migraines. These manifest themselves in ways like feeling like you can't move your neck, lest your head fall off. Feeling like your head is somehow connected to your stomach and you are going to loose whatever last meal you had due to the pain in your head.
Feeling like all the muscels in your skull have been tied in knots.
It's not pleasant.
I do get the less occasional than I would wish migraine.
The-mom-that-I-live-with said it might be due to whatever food I eat the most.
Ok here is the really sad part. The only food I could think that I had with every mean was chocolate.
No relax it's not like I eat a slice of chocolate cake for lunch. Though if I did that's still my business. No, I just consume a lot of hot chocolate. A lot. Not with EVERY meal. Usually one in the morning. One at lunch. Three or so in the afternoon.
I don't have one with dinner, so it's not like i have it with every meal.
But the-mom-I-live-with thinks that chocolate might be the culprit behind my pain. She herself suffers from RIDICULOUS migraines and tries to avoid chocolate.
At first I was like "No way! I cannot give up chocolate!!!!!!!" Then I was like "Hold on, why not ease into it like when I gave up meat?"
What did this teach me?
That if that was me on a limited intake of chocolate I eat way too much.
So even if it's not the cause of my head feeling like it's full of little men mining in my brain I do comsume too much to be considered healthy.
So this week I had like 3 cups of hot chocolate. That is pretty impressive for me furthermore I have nutella once this week.
Again I'm not cutting it out of my life. I am not one of those girls who likes to show off how far she can go without eating. I just want to talk about a milestone in my life.
Some people get extreme ones know as migraines. These manifest themselves in ways like feeling like you can't move your neck, lest your head fall off. Feeling like your head is somehow connected to your stomach and you are going to loose whatever last meal you had due to the pain in your head.
Feeling like all the muscels in your skull have been tied in knots.
It's not pleasant.
I do get the less occasional than I would wish migraine.
The-mom-that-I-live-with said it might be due to whatever food I eat the most.
Ok here is the really sad part. The only food I could think that I had with every mean was chocolate.
No relax it's not like I eat a slice of chocolate cake for lunch. Though if I did that's still my business. No, I just consume a lot of hot chocolate. A lot. Not with EVERY meal. Usually one in the morning. One at lunch. Three or so in the afternoon.
I don't have one with dinner, so it's not like i have it with every meal.
But the-mom-I-live-with thinks that chocolate might be the culprit behind my pain. She herself suffers from RIDICULOUS migraines and tries to avoid chocolate.
At first I was like "No way! I cannot give up chocolate!!!!!!!" Then I was like "Hold on, why not ease into it like when I gave up meat?"
What did this teach me?
That if that was me on a limited intake of chocolate I eat way too much.
So even if it's not the cause of my head feeling like it's full of little men mining in my brain I do comsume too much to be considered healthy.
So this week I had like 3 cups of hot chocolate. That is pretty impressive for me furthermore I have nutella once this week.
Again I'm not cutting it out of my life. I am not one of those girls who likes to show off how far she can go without eating. I just want to talk about a milestone in my life.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
After I spent my weekend with my family in Wexford the mom said she wasn't trying to get rid of me but as I had been with them for the bank holiday weekend would I like to have a few days off?
So I went to Belfast.
I didn't have my camera. So you'll have to do with some internet caps. and my plain old comentary.

Murals like the above, are everywhere.
Basically the city was torn to pieces by "The Troubles". Which is the code name for the IRA. There is one street which is still locked every night. In the surrounding streets there are all new buildings because when things first exploded basically everything was literally burned to the ground. People burned each others houses and burned their own houses rather than letting the other side get there first. The buildings that weren't burned still have bullet holes in the brick you can see. There was an army base around the corner, but the only way for the soldiers to get in or out without getting attacked was helicopter from the roof. During this time people had to be searched before going into or leaving the city center. No cars in the city center without express permission.
The Loyalist street still has a British Flag in every window and the Republics do the same on the opposite side the the Republic of Ireland's flag. There are still pictures on buildings of all the people on both sides who were assassinated, some as recently as the 90s. It was just so surprising that all this happened so recently and I didn't really know anything about it. The tour guide assured us that it was only extremest on both sides causing hell for everyone else and that all that is behind us now and things are heading in the right direction. And the Peace Walk in between both areas was erected by civilians on both sides who wanted a safe ground between them.
Anyway, I'm just surprised I didn't know anything about it.
I just think its a sad story. But a beautiful city and hopefully the progress will continue.
So I went to Belfast.
I didn't have my camera. So you'll have to do with some internet caps. and my plain old comentary.
Murals like the above, are everywhere.
Basically the city was torn to pieces by "The Troubles". Which is the code name for the IRA. There is one street which is still locked every night. In the surrounding streets there are all new buildings because when things first exploded basically everything was literally burned to the ground. People burned each others houses and burned their own houses rather than letting the other side get there first. The buildings that weren't burned still have bullet holes in the brick you can see. There was an army base around the corner, but the only way for the soldiers to get in or out without getting attacked was helicopter from the roof. During this time people had to be searched before going into or leaving the city center. No cars in the city center without express permission.
The Loyalist street still has a British Flag in every window and the Republics do the same on the opposite side the the Republic of Ireland's flag. There are still pictures on buildings of all the people on both sides who were assassinated, some as recently as the 90s. It was just so surprising that all this happened so recently and I didn't really know anything about it. The tour guide assured us that it was only extremest on both sides causing hell for everyone else and that all that is behind us now and things are heading in the right direction. And the Peace Walk in between both areas was erected by civilians on both sides who wanted a safe ground between them.
Anyway, I'm just surprised I didn't know anything about it.
I just think its a sad story. But a beautiful city and hopefully the progress will continue.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
back again
I haven't written in forever.
But let's face it. It's not exactly a catastrophe for the universe if I don't update my blog.
Anyway this week was crazy.
I went so many places. And didn't bring my camera. So no pictures
On the plus side as it is I am rediculously sore from hauling my back-pack and purse everywhere. My camera is awesome, but that little extra weight would probably have killed me.
Anyway, brief summary of majority of last week.
I went with my family (my family that I live with and work for, not the one I was born into) to Wexford. We went to the ruins of a castle that used to be the seat of power, the castle of the high king of Ireland. Also a place to hide with your lover if the forces of the enemy were chasing you.
I thought it was great, the little boy I mind thought it was a bit of a let down as there were no dragons.
Then we went to their Grandparents' house. Were their nice Grandma told me probably 8 times "You're very welcome Madison." She was wicked sweet and made us stay for dinner. I also met the kid's uncle, grandfather and Kipper. Kipper is a small terrier and pretty much the star of the show if you are a toddler, so I have heard a lot about him.
After dinner their uncle asked me how I liked Ireland and if I thought I might live there when I "grew up".
I answered "Yes, here or in England. I'm not sure yet." Then I caught my host mom's look of death. "She might kill me if I choose England though."
The mom who I work for-- I will have to come up with a name for her because typing out that title is pretty long and I don't like to use her real name for pricacy sake--Anyway.
Her annsestor blew up a bridge during the 1798 (I think) rebelion. From what I understand the English decided the best way to deal with the Irish was to hire a bunch of convicts and thugs to go and basically ransack with their permission. So my friend's grandfather and a few of his friends blew up the bridge the creeps were using to get into town.
They were sent to prison, and their families on the farm without them had a very rough time. But they saved the town.
So you can understand that she's for Ireland.
The rest off the evening-- and pretty much the rest of the weekend-- consisted of her pointing out various land marks associated with various Irish rebellions and details on the British cruelty towards the Emerald Isle. But she did admit that she does find parts of England beautiful.
But let's face it. It's not exactly a catastrophe for the universe if I don't update my blog.
Anyway this week was crazy.
I went so many places. And didn't bring my camera. So no pictures
On the plus side as it is I am rediculously sore from hauling my back-pack and purse everywhere. My camera is awesome, but that little extra weight would probably have killed me.
Anyway, brief summary of majority of last week.
I went with my family (my family that I live with and work for, not the one I was born into) to Wexford. We went to the ruins of a castle that used to be the seat of power, the castle of the high king of Ireland. Also a place to hide with your lover if the forces of the enemy were chasing you.
I thought it was great, the little boy I mind thought it was a bit of a let down as there were no dragons.
Then we went to their Grandparents' house. Were their nice Grandma told me probably 8 times "You're very welcome Madison." She was wicked sweet and made us stay for dinner. I also met the kid's uncle, grandfather and Kipper. Kipper is a small terrier and pretty much the star of the show if you are a toddler, so I have heard a lot about him.
After dinner their uncle asked me how I liked Ireland and if I thought I might live there when I "grew up".
I answered "Yes, here or in England. I'm not sure yet." Then I caught my host mom's look of death. "She might kill me if I choose England though."
The mom who I work for-- I will have to come up with a name for her because typing out that title is pretty long and I don't like to use her real name for pricacy sake--Anyway.
Her annsestor blew up a bridge during the 1798 (I think) rebelion. From what I understand the English decided the best way to deal with the Irish was to hire a bunch of convicts and thugs to go and basically ransack with their permission. So my friend's grandfather and a few of his friends blew up the bridge the creeps were using to get into town.
They were sent to prison, and their families on the farm without them had a very rough time. But they saved the town.
So you can understand that she's for Ireland.
The rest off the evening-- and pretty much the rest of the weekend-- consisted of her pointing out various land marks associated with various Irish rebellions and details on the British cruelty towards the Emerald Isle. But she did admit that she does find parts of England beautiful.
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