It was my first birthday not-in-th-United Sates this year. That was cool.
Woke up to the sound of toodlers announcing to the world they were ready for the day to begin. But as it was my day off I got to lie in bed and listen to this rather than get up and quickly get dressed. When I did decide to get up and get dressed I actually put effort into the way I looked. Make up. Did my own hair. Actually wore a flattering outfit. A lot of girls like to advertize what they feel is their personal style and come up with cutting edge names for said choices. Like "sleek and sexy" or "atheltic with a flirty twist". I feel the only phrase that acuretly describes my style is "cleans up nice." Seriously I am so attractive when I actually put time into my appearence.
Then when I got breakfast my "Family" gave me fifty euros on top of the day off. Pretty good right?!
So I went to town and ate mexican food. Well, Irish mexican. But still, one of my favorite things.
Then I went shopping. I found a professional jacket I wanted. Problem. It was 40 euros. Now with my birthday money it was perfect.
But I have a hard time parting with that much money at once.
Even though I need more professional clothes.
So I spent the next few hours window shopping elsewhere and deciding if I still wanted that jacket. Which I did. So I finally bought it. And I don't regret it. I just have a hard time paying a lot for clothes. Even though I love them. Even when I realize it's not an unreasonable price. I just still want to cling to money with my life strength.
Then I got my eye-brows threaded at The Body Shop. Ouch. And they wouldn't let me use my rewards card towards it. Meanies. But whatever.
Then I walked around a bit more and bought Slam, a book by one of my favorite authors Nick Hornby.
Then it was about time to head home. I went back. My family made me chili for dinner and an amazing chocolate cake with butter cream icing. Very nice. So nice I even let the babies sing to me. Something that has been against my policy since I was six. Then I got to skype with my mom for hours. Then I watched a favorite tv show. Which, yes, I do have memorized.
All in all a really good birthday. I mean I accomplished a lot since the last one and most of it has been stuff I wanted to do, graduate from college, get employed as an Au-Pair, get employed as a part time travel writer, move to Ireland are some of the high-lights.
There you go, my life to this point.
I want to see a picture of the jacket