I haven't written in forever.
But let's face it. It's not exactly a catastrophe for the universe if I don't update my blog.
Anyway this week was crazy.
I went so many places. And didn't bring my camera. So no pictures
On the plus side as it is I am rediculously sore from hauling my back-pack and purse everywhere. My camera is awesome, but that little extra weight would probably have killed me.
Anyway, brief summary of majority of last week.
I went with my family (my family that I live with and work for, not the one I was born into) to Wexford. We went to the ruins of a castle that used to be the seat of power, the castle of the high king of Ireland. Also a place to hide with your lover if the forces of the enemy were chasing you.
I thought it was great, the little boy I mind thought it was a bit of a let down as there were no dragons.
Then we went to their Grandparents' house. Were their nice Grandma told me probably 8 times "You're very welcome Madison." She was wicked sweet and made us stay for dinner. I also met the kid's uncle, grandfather and Kipper. Kipper is a small terrier and pretty much the star of the show if you are a toddler, so I have heard a lot about him.
After dinner their uncle asked me how I liked Ireland and if I thought I might live there when I "grew up".
I answered "Yes, here or in England. I'm not sure yet." Then I caught my host mom's look of death. "She might kill me if I choose England though."
The mom who I work for-- I will have to come up with a name for her because typing out that title is pretty long and I don't like to use her real name for pricacy sake--Anyway.
Her annsestor blew up a bridge during the 1798 (I think) rebelion. From what I understand the English decided the best way to deal with the Irish was to hire a bunch of convicts and thugs to go and basically ransack with their permission. So my friend's grandfather and a few of his friends blew up the bridge the creeps were using to get into town.
They were sent to prison, and their families on the farm without them had a very rough time. But they saved the town.
So you can understand that she's for Ireland.
The rest off the evening-- and pretty much the rest of the weekend-- consisted of her pointing out various land marks associated with various Irish rebellions and details on the British cruelty towards the Emerald Isle. But she did admit that she does find parts of England beautiful.
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