Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Television vrs. Books

People seem to justify hating on TV by their love for books. I love books. I don't feel like you can like only one. And I don't think not liking one makes you smarter. Just like what you like and don't like what you don't like and let me watch my BBC in peace.

Here are the complaints I feel people who are on the Book side of the elitist divide throw to the other side.

1. So much junk on the TV.

This is true. I had roommates addicted to Dancemoms and Toddlers in Tiaras. Child exploitation poorly disguised as entertainment. Yes there is a lot of that.

2. Time vortex.

Okay I will admitt that eight episodes of Bones later it finally dawns on me that, well, it is dawn.

But you know what. The same compaints can be applied to books.

1. Too much trash? Um, when was the last time you tried to find something to read at a bookstore. These are the books I usually find.
1. Spy Suspense, only the author has a very loose understanding of "Suspense" because the only dramatic question in this is how often can Agent X get her panties off and claim it's for her country? Oh wait. It's not suspenseful because it happens like three times every chapter.

2. Hunger Games revisited. Or Twilight revisited. Or whatever other YA novel is on the best seller list. The cover art will be similar. The characters will be similar. The plot will be similar. Basically it will be exactly like the original book except minus the X factor and originality that made the first book actually good.

Complaint #2 
Time vortex.

I have stayed up until unhealthy hours reading as well as watching TV. I have been reading when I should be doing homework or housework or something else important.

I don't feel books are inherently better than TV I feel that good art is good art whatever the genre. Just like mediocrity is mediocrity no matter the genre.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with this, most reading is just like movies and TV, entertainment. Some good, some great, some horrible - I do think books are the most worthwhile, but that's just my personal preference, and I will admit there are days when I'd just rather watch a movie, and that's Ok too!
