Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Writing Interview Thing


In the Spring of 2010 I toured Ireland, the British Isles, and France with my school's British Literary Tour.

On this tour I made about 40 great friends. We are scattered all over the globe now. Literally. Idaho, Washington, Japan, and Ireland to name just a few.

But a few of us shared the ambition to write. Over the years we have kept in contact and motivated and bullied each other into reaching goals. We've also consoled during rejection; and bragged about successes.

Anyway. Finally Jenni made an official FB group for us.  And then it grew into a larger community after the original people invited their friends who wanted to write... anyway. A fellow member of our group, Amber, asked me to participate in this writing/author interview thing.

So, here we go.

Q1. What is the working title of your book?
Why are we starting with such a hard one? I have big block with titles and names. Um, probably something like Identity Crisis. I know I should know my working title but hey.
Q2. Where did the idea for the book originate? 
 I was 22 and stranded at home after an internship had fallen through. I was also saving up for upcoming school by working my high school fast food job.  So I felt like I sucked at life.

But normal "I'm disenchanted with reality" angst gave me the idea for a story about harsh reality.
Q3. What genre does your book fall under? 

I would say YA spy/adventure thriller. But mostly it's a story on the loss of innocence, being wrong, and growing up.
Q4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

The only character I see set in stone is the supporting lead Althea. I see her as the actress Laura Spencer, with her very sweet and innocent looks. Which is ironic because this character goes through very awful things and becomes probably the least innocent.

Q5. What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
"To Megan the idea of being anonymous by becoming a spy and leaving all her problems sounded too good to be true; turns out she was right." 

Q6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
Well I want to be represented. But I feel like that's in the future. Right now I need to focus and making plot discoveries and becoming friends with the characters. However if any agents want to change my mind I might be open to persuasion. 

 Q7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Still technically working on the first draft because I have tried several dead end paths with it.
Q8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? 
Ally Carter's Gallagher Girl books. But more gritty. I don't think I'll allow my characters an undercover prom. 
 Q9. Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Honestly probably my obsession with the BBC show Spooks. Because of this show I have a love for spy things. But I was greatly disappointed in the majority of the spy-fiction I tried. It was all using the espionage setting to basically enable the characters to do whatever they wanted. No consequences and no concerns. Okay here is my story belief 101: "Limitations are more important than abilities." I mean okay we can have  a hit man who wandered around Italy just shooting as many bad guys as possible before heading to a hotel with a rich heiress. But that's  not really a story. It's a narrative about a fantasy. A story means trouble, means less than perfect characters, means characters who don't have a perfect life. They have to be working for something. And there has to be conflict. Serious conflict. 

 So darn it, I decided to write what I wanna read!! 
Q10. What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
 Wow this should not be such a difficult question. Um-- one bad guy gets a broken bottle to the throat. 
Oh  a love triangle that is suspenseful rather than gross or annoying. Is it okay to say that about your own work? It seems to me to read presumptuously. Anyway. Though I feel like the Love Triangle generally abused to becoming the next cliche I also think if done correctly it is one of the most compelling archetypes. I mean, King Arthur, anyone ?? Okay maybe I am the only one who loves king Arthur.

In conclusion I didn't tag anyone. But if Janelle, or Kimberly, or Bayley,  or Kjerstin, or Joseph read this they can continue the tradition. Well, no Bayley is family so I don't have to be polite. Bayley. Do this. I command you by authority of older cousin !!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun - good luck. I'm supposed to be writing right now, but I'm catching up on your blog instead!
