Wednesday, July 18, 2012

confusion and castles

I love my bed. I think its an introvert thing. This morning I did not want to get out of my bed. This is pretty common for me but I usually can talk myself into it eventually. But this morning I was like "Plan for the day, feed the pets. Go back to bed, sleep, if you feel really ambitious you can watch Netflix."

So I lay there in bliss until about 9:30 when I felt guilty and decided I needed to do something. Exploring sounded good. I have been focusing on making decisions lately. I have noticed I have a tendency to avoid decisions.

So I was like "Today I decide to go to Cork."

I proceeded to get ready and I went.

What proceeded was an incredibly long bus ride. I don't mind  this because you can stare out the window and see the Irish country side, I can read on my Nook, I can write in my note book or I can sleep-- though considering how much of that I did today I probably should have just stayed in bed. It would have been cheaper.

In any case we finally got to Limerick, the last stop before Cork.I was looking out the window thinking "Maybe I should just stay here. Due to the lateness of my start I will have very little time in Cork before I have to turn around and come back. Limerick looks like a nice alternative, I could actually have time to enjoy it." Yes, I was thinking in classical English because I'd been reading the Scarlet Pimpernel on the way over.

Then my realistic side was like "You paid -- a lot-- to go to Cork. Go to freaking Cork. Do Limerick on a day when you paid a fair to go to Limerick."

Once we parked at the station everyone got off the bus but me. The bus driver came up to me and said I might as well get out and get some fresh air because we would not be leaving for 25 mins.

So I went inside, went to the toilet, bought some food and came back out. Well, apparently I'd misheard him on the time because the bus was gone.

So, spontanious amandonment of plans and staying in Limerick was on.

Here is  cool clock I found there.


 Here is my attempt at being artistic with the cool clock.

 Go figure that after consulting the tourist map I decided the one thing I wanted to see was on the other side of town and I had little time. But, I made it and I didn't get lost. Enjoy the pictures of King John's Castle.

Views of Limerick from the castle walls.

Then I went back to the bus station. Found my bus stop and waited. And waited. And waited.

Well, the ride down here had been pretty long and I needed to be back in Galway in time to get the last bus to Loughrea. It was already like a half an hour past when the bus was supposed to have left by the sign.

So I went inside and asked to buy a train ticket to Galway. I haven't taken the train yet because they are way more expensive. But I had a diabetic dog to get home and feed. So I asked to purchase a train ticket. The woman said the next train didn't leave until 6:05, it was 4:30 at the time so I was in better luck waiting for a the bus just in case, I could always purchase the ticket later.

I saw the logic in her statement and went and sat out under Bus Stop 3 again.
While I was wondering which of the buses milling around would pull in and take me home a nice guard came up and asked if I was alright.

Well, I was stranded, and I was wearing my red leather jacket with my peach purse which in retrospect was a mistake this morning. But I assured him I was ok.

"Where are you going?" He pressed. I explained I was going to Galway, after all I was under the Cork, Limerick, Shannon, Galway pavilion. He smiled and pointed to spot number 2. "That is the Galway express."

So, maybe I did need his help.

In any case I got home and fed my diabetic dog.

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